Treasure Hunting in Goodletsville

Treasure Hunting in Goodlettsville

Dusty chairs stacked high, chandeliers of every size hanging from the ceiling, knickknacks crammed in every corner, obscure items long forgotten, a wonderland of polished junk waiting to be someone’s treasure – this is the ubiquitous antique and vintage retail scene. Nashville is chock-full of antique and vintage shops. Many of them, like Gas Lamp Antique Mall I & II …

Strolby – The Best Small Shops in the World

Photo and Curation by Ruthie Lindsey Have you heard of Strolby? If you not, you are in for a treat. “Strolby is a curated e-commerce site showcasing remarkable products from the best small shops around the country”. What does that mean? It means the small brick-and-mortar scene finally has friends, really cool online friends. These friends are partnering with them, …

The Elastic Heart and Starting Over

When I first saw Sia’s Elastic Heart video earlier this year, I cried. The imagery evoked such deep feelings, I couldn’t do anything but put the video on repeat and sob. The warring performance of “ones self” by Maddie Ziegler and Shia Lebeouf is thought-provoking, raw and incredibly powerful. It’s the kind of art that stays with you for a very long …

Marbleized + Ink Manipulation

Photo Credit: Calico Wallpaper Over the last two years we have seen various patterns pop up in fashion and home décor that are reminiscent of marble and watercolor paintings. Trend watchers have forecast numerous times that it will be the biggest trend of the year, and yet it never seems to make a huge splash. Cool patterns pop-up and then …

Summer Decadence – Lomelino Desserts

It’s summer and all I can think about is throwing lots of parties with my dear friends. And when there is a party, there should always be dessert. The wonderful homemade, melt in your mouth, making memories kind of desserts. All week I have been dreaming about fluffy cakes with fresh cream and fruit, ice cream swirling with berries, sorbets that …